
Up un to the revolution of 1789, France was a monarchy.  The country then established a republic in 1792.  The red, white, and blue represent liberty, equality, and fraternity which are the ideals of the French Revolution.  White is the colour of the house of Bourbon.  Blue and red are the colours of Paris.  The fleur-de-lis, a lily, is the traditional emblem of France.  It first appeared on the arms in the 12th century.  During the Revoluion the Tricolore flag was used.  It has now become a symbol of liberty around the world.  The flag was first adopted February 15, 1794.

The French revolution began in 1789.  Ten years later Napolean became the dictator of France and then in 1815 he was defeated at Waterloo.  In 1848 the French established the second republic and then established the third republic by 1870.  France then entered the Great War in 1914.  Then the German Nazis invaded France in 1940 and began the occupation.  The allies then pushed the Nazis out and France established the Fourth Republic in 1946.  The Fifth Republic was then established in 1958.  In 1992 France  helped to form the European Uninion.  A tunnel was then built under the English Channel that  linked France and England in 1994.

Country Stats

Official Name: French Republic

Capital: Paris

Official Language: French

Official Religion: none

National Anthem: La Marseillaise

Government: Democratic Republic

Chief of State: President

Head of Government: Prime Minister

Population: 58,804,944

Currency: Franc

Literacy: 99%