
The flag of Japan was adoted on January 2, 1870.  The white field expresses honesty and purity.  The red disk is named Hinomaru, or the disk of the sun.       

      The Yamoto clan became the most powerful clan in 350.  Buddism was then introduced to Japan in 538.  The seventeen article consitution was written in 604.  In 1274 Kublai Khan tried to invade Japan.  About two centuries later, in 1543, the Portugese arrived.  Christianity was then introduced and not to long after that Japan invaded Korea.  In 1614 Japan forced all Christian priests to leave.  Mount Fuji erupted for the last time in 1707.  From 1894-1895 Japan was at war with China.  In 1941 Japan then attacked Pearl Habor and brought the US in to the war.  Despite fighting hard during the second world war, the Japanese were forced to surrender when atomic bombs where dropped by the US.  Both Hiroshima and Nagaski, the two sites chosen, were devastated.  US occupation of Japan did not end until 1972.  Okinawa, one of the islands the US won, was returned to Japan in 1972.

Country Stats

Official Name: Japan

Capital: Tokyo

Official Language: Japanese

Official Religion: None

National Anthem: Kimigayo (The Reign of Our Emperor)

Government: Constitutional Monarchy

Chief of State: Emperor

Head of Government: Prime Minister

Population: 123,611,167

Currency: Yen

Literacy: virtually 100%